When and where do you meet?

1st Wednesday of every month,

Between 18h00 and 18h45 is a meet and greet time.

Meeting start 18h45 sharp, and last until ±22h00, with a break around 20h00, for refreshments.


Faith Hall, Northfield Methodist Church
Cnr Aerodrome Road & Webb Street
Airfield, Benoni

How do I join?
Please contact our secretary on should you require further information, not supplied on the website.
Then, download our application form, complete your information and e-mail it to, accompanied with your proof of payment as set out below.
What are the Banking details?
Benoni Camera Club Bank
Acc No: 29525870
Branch Code 632005


What happens at your club?

Members meet on the 1st Wednesday of every month when all the entries of the month will be  projected on a big screen.

We have a different judge each month that will critique and give advice on your photograph and then award each photograph a bronze, silver, gold, or certificate of merit (COM) (the highest award).

Whilst listening to the judge’s comments, everyone learns from one other’s mistakes (if any), and get inspiration advise and ideas.

Can I join and come to meetings without entering photographs, until I feel ready to enter?

Yes, you may.

Who do I speak to when I arrive at the meeting?

Please report to the refreshments table, where the Secretary will be stationed, or ask to speak to a Committee Member.

They will welcome you and seat you along side a another member who will explain to you during the evening the goings on.

Are refreshments served at meetings?

Yes, tea and coffee is available complimentary.

We also have a tuck shop where you can purchase cooldrinks, chocolates, chips, burgers and toasted sandwiches.

Do I have to be present at the club on the night that I entered photographs?

No, but it is better to be at the meeting, as you will hear what the judge says about your images and you will learn how to improve.

How many photos may I submit each month?

Each member is allowed to submit

3 Photos from any category each month
and 1 photo for the Set Subject of the month

Total of 4 photos maximum

What kind of photographs can I enter?

We have 7 different categories into which you have the option to enter:

  • NA – Nature
  • SC – Land /Sea / City Scapes
  • PI – Pictorial / Open
  • AR – Contemporary / Experimental / Altered Reality
  • PO – Portraiture / Figure Study
  • PJ – Photojournalism / Photo travel / Sport
  • SL – Floral / Stil life
  • SS – Set Subject

At the end of each year (December) we hold a “Most Versatile Photographerʼ competition where ONE image of each category entered over the past year is submitted; a total of 7 images;
1 Star workers may enter 8 (one additional entry for the Beginners for the Open Trophy).
Set Subject can be found here.  There is a set subject for each month.

What must the size of the photos be that I submit?
Please see the button on the right PHOTOSIZES EXPLAINED, to see the full details of the photos sizes.

Not greater than 1080 pixels height and 1920 pixels width

Where do I submit my photographs?

Please see the button on the right PHOTOSIZES EXPLAINED, to see the full details of the photos sizes.

Not greater than 1080 pixels height and 1920 pixels width

Do you have a newsletter?

Yes, it is called Peeps Magazine.

You can find it on the website under newsletters.

The magazine is also added to WhatsApp  and Facebook.

Where can I get my photographs printed?

Digital Imaging Services
Photographic and Graphic Design Studio and Digital Printing

118 Stokroos Street,Northmead Ext. 4, Benoni
Tel: (011) 425-1659

Why should I join PSSA?

There are many benefits for you as an individual to become a member of the Photographic Society of South Africa:

–  Join a club and become part of the worldwide photographic community
–  Submit your images at club nights and have them judged by accredited PSSA judges
–  Participate in salons and obtain acceptances, certificates of merit or medals for your winning images
–  Obtain national and internationally recognised honours and awards
–  Obtain diamond ratings for achievements at National and International salons (competitions)
–  Obtain Impala Trophy awards for achievements at national salons
–  Get access to the PSSA online magazine, e-Image
–  Have your articles and images published in the e-Image
–  Receive frequent PSSA newsletters via email
–  Learn new skills through workshops, tutorials and other training opportunities
–  Attend workshops (JAP courses) to obtain accreditation as a judge of photography within the Society
–  Enjoy discounted entries to photographic salons recognised by PSSA
–  Receive awards for service and excellence in photography
–  Enjoy discounts when attending National and Regional Congresses


What are salons and why do we do them?
PSSA Salons

Wikipedia: “From the seventeenth century to the early part of the twentieth century, artistic production in France was controlled by artistic academies which organized official exhibitions called salons.”

To be able to exhibit your work on a salon, you had to obtain the approval of the judges.
Today it is still the same in photography that all entries received are evaluated by the jury and only those found acceptable will be exhibited.

And this is how we think of a photographic salon today – an exhibition of photography.

Photographers are invited to submit their images in various categories for possible inclusion in the salon exhibition. A panel of judges scores all the submitted images and chooses approximately 20% for exhibition. The images that are chosen are known as “acceptances” and these are the “salon acceptances” that are required for Club promotion.

The acceptance rate will be different for each event and is set by the jury but within the parameters set by the organisations which approved the exhibition (salon) and lend their name to it (patronage).

In South Africa, PSSA as the national organisation representing amateur photographers, uses a guideline for acceptances for PDI (projected digital images) salons at between 20 and 25% and up to 35% for prints and Audio Visuals. Overseas you may see rates between 25 – 45%!

The prime reason for presenting a salon is to see work that you would otherwise not see and share that with all our members and the public.

The entry fee is there to cover cost and if there is a surplus that is a bonus.

Salons are either National ones where only photographers from South Africa (as well as all members of PSSA worldwide) may enter or International ones where photographers from all over the world compete.

A list of salons is published on the PSSA website, in Club newsletters and entry for SA salons is generally via PhotoVaultOnline. 

Conditions of Entry

The salon conditions of entry document (salon brochure) will provide all the detail of the event such as:
• Time table – Closing date, judging dates, when results will be available and exhibition dates.
• Awards – Medals and other awards which can be won.
• Categories of entry and their definitions.
• Names of the judges.
• Entry fees
• How to enter

What is PSSA Honours?

The Honours Division controls the awards made to members in recognition of a high standard of photographic ability and/or service to PSSA and to photography in general.

Application is only open to full members of the Society. Anyone interested in applying for Honours may join at the same time as applying. Proof of status of current membership must be included with your application.

Honours may either be applied for by submitting a panel for judging or by accumulating salon acceptances.

Panel submissions may be made twice annually with the closing dates being 25 January and 1 July.

Salon Honours may be applied for at any time during the year.

Honours – Panel Submission

Members submit a panel of images for judging by a panel of judges – application may be made in Digital (PDI), Prints, Audio Visual (AV) or Applied.

Licentiateship: The LPSSA is the entry level Honours and is awarded for a high level of basic skill and competence.

All applicants must start with an LPSSA unless they already hold a 3 Diamond rating in the medium in which they are applying.

The panel consists of 10 images or 2 AVs.

Associateship: The APSSA is awarded for a high standard of technical skill, competence and creative ability. This award recognises a high standard of achievement in the art and science of the medium and is awarded in recognition of work of a good aesthetic and technical standard.

This panel consists of 15 images or 3 AVs.

In order to apply for an APSSA a member must either hold an LPSSA or a 3 Diamond Rating in the medium of application or an APSSA in any medium.   The exception to this ruling is that an applicant in Audio Visual must hold an LPSSA in Audio Visual.

Fellowship: The FPSSA is awarded for excellence and distinguished ability. The Fellowship recognises a high standard of achievement in the art and science of the medium and is awarded for excellence. The applicant must hold an APSSA in the medium of application.

This panel consists of 25 images or 4 AVs.

Master:  The MPSSA is the highest award which may be applied for by a member of PSSA.

The application consists of an educational, illustrated lecture as well as a panel of between 15 and 25 mounted top quality exhibition prints.

General:  Application for higher honours may only be made once the lower level has been achieved in that specific medium.

In the case of an application for an MPSSA further criteria must be met, details of these and the requirements for the MPSSA may be downloaded here.

Helpful links

BCC Application form

Set Subjects 2024
MarchFood Photography
JuneWindows & Doors
JulyPrimary Colours
SeptemberMono *
Facebook Link

Photo sizes Explained

How to submit a photo for judging or set subject competition

Click here for full info

PhotoVault Explained

The website facilitates the entry of photos in competitions. It is used by several clubs for competitions, such as monthly club entries, annual club competitions, interclub competitions and photographic salons. It will also facilitate the PSSA honours application entries for honours in digital photography.

Click here for full info

PSSA Screen Calibration

The Photographic Society of South Africa (PSSA) kindly gave permission to publish their information on calibration and a colour management work flow on this site.

Click here for full info

PSSA Honours explained



Faith Hall, Northfield Methodist Church
Cnr. Aerodrome Road & Webb Street
Airfield, Benoni


Linda Stedman
083 628 1226
